Let’s Talk

MAPS Advantage

Through coaching, training, mentoring, facilitating, and consulting, we’ll help you and your key leaders find your way toward your desired outcomes.

Utilizing the MAPS model, we offer a proven approach to setting context and gaining understanding throughout your organization’s journey, no matter the season. Finding a skilled coach is akin to discovering a reliable map in uncharted territory. Our unique MAPS approach provides you with the guidance you need to navigate uncertainty and move confidently toward your goals.

Mental Clarity

When using a map, especially in a location with which you are unfamiliar, the starting place is always mental clarity. It begins by finding your Red Dot. If you don’t know where you are in relation to the map, it will be impossible to find your way to where you want to go. Every coaching relationship begins with location: where are you now and where do you want to go?


The ability to adapt to changing circumstances allows people to thrive in any setting, regardless of how difficult. Being adaptable requires resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures. Resilient people find ways to grow in every situation, whether easy or not. But it requires the ability to innovate, mitigate risk, and continue moving forward. We will help you adapt to changing environments by helping you clearly understand your current setting, identify your goals, assess your strengths and weaknesses, develop self-awareness, practice resilience, and evaluate feedback.

Problem Solving

When faced with challenges, whether expected or not, people often need help figuring out how to understand clearly situations which are very complex. But with clarity also comes a clear analysis of available options and creative solutions. I can help you identify the problem, define goals and objectives, review potential solutions, and find a way forward. Once movement is initiated, good feedback loops will help you make adjustments toward goals. We’ll help you solve the problems you face by helping you clearly understand your current skills, evaluate the challenges ahead, develop critical thinking skills to challenge current assumptions, enhance creativity, evaluate feedback, and celebrate successes.


People with self-confidence tend to approach tasks, goals, and interactions with a sense of optimism and assurance, even when they encounter difficulties or setbacks. Their positive mindset and belief in themselves make them resilient toward setbacks and disappointments. Self-confidence also helps them take calculated risks and move outside of their comfort zones. I will help you find your confidence again and take decisive steps in productive ways. We’ll help you build self-confidence by establishing a trusting relationship, understand your current self-confidence levels, discover how self-confidence is not arrogance, identify self-limiting beliefs, practice healthy thought patterns, identify self-defeating tendencies, and plan a successful way forward.

Let's Talk